SAVE THE DATE – March 25th – 26th  2025

Challenges, solutions and demonstrations for military rescue operations in maritime surroundings

The Marine Innovation Summit is back for the third time! The first event was held in October 2019.

Last time around, in March 2023, we hosted the summit in Gothenburg, Sweden, with 23 nations and 35 special operation units present.

2025 focuses on military rescue operations and challenges in maritime environments. Regardless of military branch, water poses an additional risk in critical situations.

We invite industry and end-users to share challenges, product innovations, solutions, experiences, and future needs; all with the goal to become even more successful in saving lives and bringing people home.

When and where

Gothenburg, Sweden

25 & 26 of March, 2025

Would you like to attend?

Email us at

We will get in touch when registration opens.


Dockyard Hotel (100 m)

Quality Hotel Waterfront

Gothenburg (1.5 km)
